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"Critics Say EPA Action Plan On Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Falls Short"

"The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday announced what officials called a historic effort to rein in a class of long-lasting chemicals that pose serious health risks to millions of Americans. But environmental groups and residents of contaminated communities said that the agency’s “action plan” is short on action, saying ample evidence exists to regulate the chemicals in the nation’s drinking water."

Source: Washington Post, 02/15/2019

"EPA To Limit Manmade Chemicals In Drinking Water"

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will announce on Thursdays limits on how much toxic chemicals from cookware and carpeting are allowed in drinking water. ... Acting administrator Andrew Wheeler will make the announcement at 9 a.m. EST."

Source: Reuters, 02/14/2019

EPA Confirms Sterigenics Emits Cancer-Causing Gas, But Still Won't Act

"Sterigenics is still venting ethylene oxide into neighborhoods surrounding its facility in west suburban Willowbrook, according to federal testing that revealed spikes of the volatile, cancer-causing gas higher than concentrations detected before the company installed new pollution-control equipment last year. But a top Trump administration official told residents on Tuesday that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency doesn’t have enough evidence to take action against the company."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 02/06/2019

"Former Koch Official Runs EPA Chemical Research"

"The Trump administration has placed a former Koch Industries official in charge of research that will shape how the government regulates a class of toxic chemicals contaminating millions of Americans’ drinking water — an issue that could have major financial repercussions for his former employer."

Source: Politico, 02/05/2019
