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Senate Panel Will Take up 'Bipartisan' Farm Bill This Week

"The Senate Agriculture Committee will take up the 2018 farm bill this week, amid early expectations that "bipartisan" support for the legislation may carry it across the finish line — unlike an effort that failed last month in the House."

Source: CNBC, 06/11/2018

Trump EPA Won’t Evaluate Asbestos Already in Homes

"The Environmental Protection Agency will not consider the health risks and impacts of asbestos already in the environment when evaluating the dangers associated with the chemical compound, Scott Pruitt, the agency's head, quietly announced last week."

Source: Newsweek, 06/08/2018

"The Chemical Industry Scores a Big Win at the E.P.A."

"The Trump administration, after heavy lobbying by the chemical industry, is scaling back the way the federal government determines health and safety risks associated with the most dangerous chemicals on the market, documents from the Environmental Protection Agency show."

Source: NY Times, 06/08/2018

"Ex-Chemical Industry Lawyer To Lead Superfund Task Force"

"A lawyer tapped to lead a task force at the Environmental Protection Agency overseeing cleanups at the nation’s most polluted places worked until recently for a top chemical and plastics manufacturer with a troubled legacy of creating some of those toxic sites."

Source: AP, 06/04/2018
