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"Michael Dourson Tapped To Lead U.S. EPA Chemical Program"

"Michael Dourson, President Donald J. Trump’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency’s office that oversees commercial chemicals and pesticides, is a board-certified toxicologist with decades of experience in risk assessment. Dourson’s close ties to the chemical industry, however, have some environmental groups raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest."

Source: C&EN, 07/19/2017

"Toxic Taps"

"California’s five-year drought made worldwide headlines as wells went dry and thousands of people were left without water. But many of those whose taps still flow face an even more insidious threat. The state estimates that 1.5 million Californians rely on drinking water that has violated health standards."

Source: Water Deeply, 07/17/2017

"A Pass to Poison"

"How the state of Texas allows industrial facilities to repeatedly spew unauthorized air pollution — with few consequences"

Source: Texas Tribune, 07/17/2017

"Missouri Halts Sale And Use Of Dicamba"

"The Missouri Department of Agriculture announced July 7 it is banning the sale and use of dicamba products in Missouri effective immediately, after a second summer with numerous complaints of dicamba herbicides drifting and causing damage."

Source: Iowa Farmer Today, 07/11/2017
