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"Europe Bans Two Endocrine-Disrupting Weedkillers"

"The European commission has ordered a ground-breaking moratorium on two endocrine-disrupting weedkillers that have been linked to thyroid cancer, infertility, reproductive problems and foetal malformations."

Source: Guardian, 04/19/2016

"Researchers: Lag In Water Use Slows Flint Recovery"

"Flint residents aren’t using enough water to pull necessary chemical treatments through the city’s system, hindering efforts to get water up to safety standards in a community where residents are afraid to use their taps and loathe to pay for what comes out of them.

Although the past six months have produced improvements, recent testing by Virginia Tech researchers, including expert Marc Edwards, shows contamination still at problem levels.

Source: Detroit Free Press, 04/13/2016
