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"Borers Branch Out From Ash Trees"

"Bad news in the bug department: The emerald ash borer, a tiny, glitter-green insect from China expected to kill virtually all ash trees in the eastern U.S. - unless they are treated with expensive chemicals - may have a new target."

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 11/07/2014

More Than 600 Reported Chemical Exposure in Iraq, Pentagon Admits

"More than 600 American service members since 2003 have reported to military medical staff members that they believe they were exposed to chemical warfare agents in Iraq, but the Pentagon failed to recognize the scope of the reported cases or offer adequate tracking and treatment to those who may have been injured, defense officials say."

Source: NY Times, 11/07/2014

"Victims of Toxic Chemicals Fight for Benefits From VA"

"Veterans who were exposed to toxic contaminants during their service are increasingly becoming casualties in a war with the government -- particularly the Veterans Affairs Department—which they say has a record of delaying and denying benefits promised to them by acts of Congress."

Source: National Journal, 11/03/2014
