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"Va. Supreme Court Rules for U-Va. in Global Warming FOIA Case"

"Unpublished research by university scientists is exempt from the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled Thursday, rejecting an attempt by skeptics of global warming to view the work of a prominent climate researcher during his years at the University of Virginia."

Source: Wash Post, 04/18/2014

"Passaic River Cleanup Still a Long Way Off"

"It is touted as the largest Superfund cleanup ever, one that will remove 4.3 million cubic yards of sediment contaminated with a stew of pollutants from the Passaic River and even make it safe for people to fish there again without significantly raising their risk of cancer."

Source: Bergen Record, 04/17/2014

"Appeals Court Upholds EPA Limits on Air Toxicity"

"WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court Tuesday upheld the Environmental Protection Agency's first-ever limits on air toxics, including emissions of mercury, arsenic and acid gases, preserving a far-reaching rule the White House had touted as central to President Barack Obama's environmental agenda."

Source: LA Times, 04/16/2014

"Chemical Trespass: Poison From Above Falls on Rural Oregon"

"When a helicopter flies over Cedar Valley, residents tend to assume it’s searching for illegal pot operations in the nearby forest. That’s what Curry County neighbors John Burns and Kathyrn Rickard thought when they heard the blades whirring over their rural homes. They didn’t think the helicopter flying overhead would be raining toxic chemicals upon their homes, their farms and their bodies."

Source: Eugene Weekly, 04/15/2014
