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"Road Salt May Hurt Vital Link In Freshwater Food Chain, Study Says"

"De-icing road salts — even those marketed as environmentally friendly — may harm important freshwater plankton, a new analysis indicates. The study, published in Science of the Total Environment, suggests that some species of zooplankton — a critical food source for freshwater fish — don’t adapt to pollution from road salts from generation to generation."

Source: Washington Post, 08/23/2024

Microplastics Are Infiltrating Brain Tissue, Human Organs, Studies Show

"Twenty-four brain samples collected in early 2024 measured on average about 0.5% plastic by weight"

"A growing body of scientific evidence shows that microplastics are accumulating in critical human organs, including the brain, leading researchers to call for more urgent actions to rein in plastic pollution.

Studies have detected tiny shards and specks of plastics in human lungs, placentas, reproductive organs, livers, kidneys, knee and elbow joints, blood vessels and bone marrow.

Source: Guardian, 08/22/2024

Groups Say They’re Shut Out Of Plastics Treaty Talks In Bangkok

"Experts meet in Bangkok this week to advance what would be the first international treaty to tackle the surging problem of plastic pollution. Final treaty negotiations take place in South Korea in November. Yet most of the people who have been closely tracking the negotiations — environmentalists, tribal leaders and residents from communities hard-hit by plastic production and waste — are shut out of the talks in Bangkok."

Source: AP, 08/21/2024
