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"Pregnant Women Warned Against Drinking Water In W.Va. Area"

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging pregnant women who live in the areas of West Virginia where a toxic chemical leaked into the water supply last week to drink bottled water, even in places where the no-use ban has been lifted. The move comes 'out of an abundance of caution,' the CDC and the state's Bureau of Public Health say."

Source: NPR, 01/16/2014

"Good News/Bad News: Some Phthalates Down, Some Up"

"Scientists have documented for the first time that several phthalates -- controversial chemicals used to make vinyl and fragrances -- are declining in people while several others are rising. The study, published today, is the first comprehensive, nationwide attempt to document trends in exposure to these widely used chemicals over the past decade."

Source: EHN, 01/15/2014

"As 'Frack Hits' Grew in Alberta, Regulators Stepped in"

Sometimes hydraulic fracturing of underground shale formations to produce oil and gas goes awry. Pumping fluids into formations at high pressure to release hydrocarbons can cause oil, gas, and toxic liquids to spew from old abandoned wells.

Source: EnergyWire, 01/08/2014
