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Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Lead to 23,000 Deaths a Year: CDC

"Federal health officials reported Monday that at least two million Americans fall ill from antibiotic-resistant bacteria every year and that at least 23,000 die from those infections, putting a hard number on a growing public health threat. It was the first time that federal authorities quantified the effects of organisms that many antibiotics are powerless to fight."

Source: NY Times, 09/17/2013

"Study: Rare Condors Harmed By Pesticide"

"SAN FRANCISCO — In the coastal redwood forests of central California, scientists trying to unravel the mystery surrounding the reproductive problems of dozens of endangered condors think they have uncovered the culprit: the long-banned pesticide DDT."

Source: AP, 09/16/2013

"Wal-Mart Announces Phase-Out of Hazardous Chemicals"

"Prodded by health and environmental advocates, Wal-Mart Stores announced Thursday that it will require suppliers to disclose and eventually phase out nearly 10 hazardous chemicals from the fragrances, cosmetics, household cleaners and personal care products at its stores."

Source: USA TODAY, 09/13/2013

"The Duwamish River’s Deadly Catches"

"As he waits for crabs to take his bait, the Cambodian man explains his approach to eating seafood out of the Duwamish River. 'If it comes up black ... I throw it back,' he says. 'But if it looks normal, that means it just swam up from the Sound. It’s OK to eat.'"

Source: Seattle Weekly, 09/12/2013

"EPA Chemist Who Revealed Twin Towers Toxic Dust Fired -- Again"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scientist who first revealed the dangers of toxic dust at the World Trade Center disaster site has received a second notice of proposed removal from her job more than a year after a federal civil service court ordered her returned to work."

Source: ENS, 09/12/2013

"P&G Halts Use of 2 Chemicals in Personal Care Products"

"Procter & Gamble is phasing out the use of two chemicals by 2014 from its beauty and personal care products. Activist groups have targeted P&G and other manufacturers of consumer products to end the use of phthalates and triclosan, chemicals that advocates say have been linked to birth defects and infertility."

Source: Cincinnatti Enquirer, 09/10/2013

"Arsenic in Rice? Not a Big Worry, FDA Says"

"Arsenic in rice occurs at such low levels that it poses no short-term health threat, Food and Drug Administration says, although it is still studying long-term effects. The arsenic in rice is thought to come from water on the ground, which is where rice is grown."

Source: AP, 09/09/2013
