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"Maker of d-CON Rat Poison Fights EPA Ban"

"WASHINGTON -- The manufacturer of d-CON, a widely sold and popular brand of rat poison, is taking the rare step of challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to prohibit the over-the-counter sale of one of the nastiest and most effective of the poisons sold to consumers."

Source: McClatchy, 03/26/2013

"Judge Sides With Wyoming in Fracking Chemical Suit"

"CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- A judge in Casper has sided with the state of Wyoming and ruled against environmentalists who sought to obtain lists of the ingredients that go into hydraulic fracturing fluids."

Source: AP, 03/26/2013

"US Agency Rejects Military Link To Vieques Cancer"

"SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- A U.S. agency has issued a long-awaited report saying it found no proof that decades of military practice bombing on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques sickened residents who blame it for high rates of cancer, asthma and other illnesses."

Source: AP, 03/22/2013

"Groups Sue EPA Over Honey Bee Deaths, Blame Some Insecticides"

"U.S. environmental regulators are failing to protect honey bees and their role in pollinating important food crops, and should immediately suspend use of some toxic insecticides tied to the widespread deaths of the bees, a lawsuit filed on Thursday charges."

Source: Reuters, 03/22/2013

"Bird Group Calls for Halt To Widely Applied Insecticide"

"The American Bird Conservancy is calling for a ban on using one of the globe's most widely used classes of insecticides in seed treatments and for a suspension of all other uses, pending an independent review of its impact on birds and other wildlife."

Source: USA TODAY, 03/19/2013

"Bay’s Intersex Fish Mystery Remains Unsolved"

"Ten years have gone by since one of the weirdest discoveries in the Chesapeake Bay region, on the south branch of the Potomac River — male smallmouth bass with lady parts, eggs in places where they absolutely should not be."

Source: Wash Post, 03/18/2013

"Hoping to Save Bees, Europe to Vote on Pesticide Ban"

"PARIS -- Will Brussels try to give bees a break? In a case closely watched on both sides of the Atlantic, European officials plan to vote Friday on a proposal to sharply restrict the use of pesticides that had been implicated in the decline of global bee populations."

Source: NY Times, 03/15/2013
