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"Pace Of Hazardous Waste Cleanup Frustrates DePue Residents"

"DEPUE, Ill. -- This tiny village tucked into the Illinois River Valley is known for its lake, a tranquil body of tree-lined water that has drawn thousands of spectators to a national boat race for nearly 30 years. But most visitors heading to Lake DePue must pass another village landmark before reaching the shore — a pile of contaminated slag weighing at least 570,000 tons that looms over the main road into town, left behind by a zinc smelter that employed many locals for decades."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 12/17/2012

"Paper Links Nerve Agents in ’91 Gulf War and Ailments"

"Reviving a 20-year debate over illnesses of veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf war, a new scientific paper presents evidence that nerve agents released by the bombing of Iraqi chemical weapons depots just before the ground war began could have carried downwind and fallen on American troops staged in Saudi Arabia."

Source: NY Times, 12/14/2012

"France Bans Contested Chemical BPA in Food Packaging"

"PARIS -- The French parliament voted Thursday to ban the use of bisphenol A, a chemical thought to have a toxic effect on the brain and nervous system, in baby food packaging next year and all food containers in 2015."

Source: AFP, 12/14/2012

"Doctors Urge U.S. to Block Gas Export Terminals"

"More than 100 physicians urged the Obama administration on Thursday not to approve the construction of liquefied natural gas export terminals until more is known about the health effects of hydraulic fracturing, the drilling process that has opened the way for a big increase in domestic gas production."

Source: Green/NYT, 12/14/2012

"EPA Finds Contamination at Former Rocket Test Site"

"SIMI VALLEY, Calif. -- Lingering radioactive contamination exists at a former rocket test lab outside of Los Angeles that was the site of a partial nuclear meltdown, federal environmental regulators said Wednesday."

Source: AP, 12/13/2012

EPA Starts New Effort for Low-Dose, Hormone-Like Chemicals

"Spurred by mounting scientific evidence, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is initiating a new effort to examine whether low doses of hormone-mimicking chemicals are harming human health and whether chemical testing should be overhauled."

Source: EHN, 12/13/2012
