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"Chemical Firms Reviewing Flame Retardant Advocacy Efforts"

"Facing criticism from federal and state lawmakers, the world's leading manufacturers of flame retardants say they are reviewing their advocacy efforts, including their involvement with an industry front group that waged a deceptive campaign to fuel demand for the chemicals."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 08/15/2012

Dallas OKs Aerial Spraying To Fight West Nile Virus Outbreak

"DALLAS - Suffering from the nation's deadliest outbreak of West Nile virus this year, Dallas County authorized aerial spraying of insecticide on Friday for the first time in nearly five decades to help fight the mosquito-born illness."

Source: AP, 08/13/2012

"Toxic Taps: Lead Is Still the Problem"

"Millions of Americans may be drinking water that is contaminated with dangerous doses of lead. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knows it; state governments know it; local utilities know it. The only people who usually don’t know it are those who are actually drinking the toxic water."

New York Recycling Fire: "PCB Tally Isn't Known"

"GHENT -- The head of a Columbia County chemical recycling company whose plant was destroyed in an inferno last week knows hundreds of gallons of toxic hazardous PCBs were at the site before the fire, but won't know how much burned until the tangled wreckage can be examined."

Source: Albany Times Union, 08/10/2012

"LA Judge Dismisses Workers' Lawsuit Against Dole"

"LOS ANGELES -- A Los Angeles Superior Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by nearly 3,000 Filipino workers claiming injury from pesticide exposure while worked for Dole Food Co."

Source: AP, 08/10/2012
