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"Epic Cleanup Begins at Gary’s Toxic Lagoon"

"GARY — The secluded west side neighborhood once filled with chickens and horses has been replaced by giant yellow excavators and crews in hard hats. No remnants of the Hispanic enclave nicknamed Cowboy Town remain now as the cleanup of the toxic Ralston Street lagoon shifts into high gear after decades of delay."

Source: Gary Post-Tribune, 06/11/2012

Tennessee: "Brownsville Factory Accused of Toxic History"

"BROWNSVILLE, Tenn. -- On a Saturday morning 18 months ago, Husley Hunt looked up from his pond to witness a sight that was particularly troubling to someone who's health-conscious, grows organic vegetables and ardently hopes to live to be 100. Workers were cleaning up chemical pollution from his property."

Source: Memphis Commercial Appeal, 06/11/2012

"France To Ban A Syngenta Pesticide To Protect Bees"

"France said it plans to ban a pesticide made by Swiss agro-chemical group Syngenta that is widely used to treat rapeseed crops after scientists suggested it could pose danger to bees."

"A sharp decline in bee populations across the world in recent years, partly due to a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder, has prompted criticism of pesticide use, although research has yet to show clearly the causes of falling bee numbers.

Source: Reuters, 06/04/2012

"Is That a Flame Retardant in Your Sandwich?"

"Nothing says 'lunch time' to an American kid quite like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Slices of deli meat might be a close second. Unbeknownst to most parents who pack school lunch boxes, however, both of these favorites could expose kids to toxic chemicals. In a new study of popular products purchased from grocery stores in Dallas, Texas, researchers found that nearly half of the sampled peanut butter and cold cuts, as well as turkey, fish, beef and other fatty foods, contained traces of a flame retardant commonly used in the foam insulation of building walls."

Source: Huffington Post, 06/01/2012

"Can BPA Make You Fat?"

"The food industry likes to portray obesity as a matter of personal responsibility: People who eat too much gain weight, and it's their own fault."

Source: Mother Jones, 05/31/2012

"Lyme Disease Tick Study Stirs Dispute"

"Hundreds of Baltimore-area families have volunteered for a government study to spray their suburban yards with pesticide, which researchers hope can protect them from Lyme disease but that environmentalists warn is unsafe."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 05/30/2012
