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"Maryland Set To Ban Arsenic-Containing Drug in Chicken Feed"

Maryland is set to ban the arsenic-containing drug Roxarsone in chicken feed. Maryland is a major chicken producer, and that puts it ahead of most other states as well as the federal government. It is all the more remarkable, given that 'Big Chicken' is a major force in Maryland politics.

"At his family farm on Maryland's Eastern Shore, Lee Richardson raises thousands of chickens from fuzzy hatchlings to the juicy broilers stacked at grocery stores far and wide. Like a lot of farmwork, this seems simple, but it's not.

Source: Wash Post, 05/21/2012

"Group Tracks Airborne Fungicide"

"FRAZEE, MINN. - Don and Norma Smith couldn't understand why their sheep stopped producing lambs in the mid-1990s. When half the animals died mysteriously over one winter, they gave up on the profitable hobby that had won blue ribbons for their kids at the Minnesota State Fair."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, 05/18/2012

"Insecticide Resistance Threatens Malaria Fight"

"LONDON -- Malaria-carrying mosquitoes in Africa and India are becoming resistant to insecticides, putting millions of lives at greater risk and threatening eradication efforts, health experts said on Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 05/17/2012

"Town's Effort To Link Fracking And Illness Falls Short"

"Quite a few of the 225 people who live in Dish, Texas, think the nation's natural gas boom is making them sick. They blame the chemicals used in gas production for health problems ranging from nosebleeds to cancer.
And the mayor of Dish, Bill Sciscoe, has a message for people who live in places where gas drilling is about to start: 'Run. Run as fast as you can. Grab up your family and your belongings, and get out.'"

Source: NPR, 05/17/2012

"Ohio Senate Approves New Fracking Rules"

"COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio senators approved new regulations for horizontal shale drilling known as fracking on Tuesday in a bipartisan vote punctuated by a spoken rendition of 'The Beverly Hillbillies' theme song."

Source: AP, 05/17/2012

"Just What's Inside Those Breasts?"

"When writer Florence Williams was nursing her second child, she read a research study about toxins found in human breast milk. She decided to test her own breast milk and shipped a sample to a lab in Germany. What came back surprised her. Trace amounts of pesticides, dioxin and a jet fuel ingredient — as well as high to average levels of flame retardants — were all found in her breast milk. How could something like this happen?"

Source: Fresh Air, 05/17/2012

CDC Lowers Lead-Poisoning Threshold for Kids as Feds, States Cut Funds

"The number of children considered at risk of lead poisoning jumped by more than five-fold on Wednesday, as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lowered its threshold for the diagnosis. Children's health advocates applauded the decision, but also expressed concern that recent congressional budget cuts will drastically limit funds that could help affected kids and prevent further poisoning."

Source: Huffington Post, 05/17/2012

"Sand Mining Coming To a Town Near You"

"The state of Wisconsin is no longer a hot bed for metallic sulfide mining, having its Legislature kill a bill in March that would have streamlined mining permit process in favor of mining companies. But it is one of the hotbeds for another type of mining, sand mining, a billion-dollar business."

Source: Baltimore Post-Examiner, 05/15/2012

"Reaping What We Sow"

"Chemical titans say they have what farmers need to fight superweeds, but will they only be adding to a growing problem?"

Source: Ottawa Citizen, 05/14/2012
