Search results

"In Industry’s Shadow: After Years of Illness, Family Seeks Answers"

The Martins, a Latino family who live in Maywood, California, 10 minutes from downtown Los Angeles amid a sea of heavy industry, suffered from a variety of chronic sicknesses. Test results finally showed "The Martin family had traces of eight dangerous heavy metals and 17 industrial byproducts in their bodies. Levels of arsenic, chromium, mercury, manganese and vanadium were far higher than for most Americans."

Source: California Watch, 11/07/2011

"EPA To Probe Gas Drilling's Toll on Drinking Water"

"The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday released the outlines of its long-awaited probe into whether hydraulic fracturing -- the unconventional drilling technique that's led to a boom in domestic natural gas production -- is contaminating drinking-water supplies. Investigators will try to determine the impact of large-scale water withdrawals, aboveground spills of drilling fluids, and the fracturing process itself on water quality and quantity in states where tens of thousands of wells have been drilled in recent years."

Source: AP, 11/04/2011

"Health Campaigners Urge Boycott of J&J Baby Shampoo"

"A coalition of health campaigners on Tuesday urged a boycott of Johnson & Johnson until it removes from its baby shampoo a preservative considered by the government to be a possible trigger for some cancers and skin allergies."

Source: Reuters, 11/02/2011

"U.S. To Require Details Of Fracking On Federal Land"

"The Interior Department plans to issue a proposal soon forcing companies to reveal the chemicals they use in the so-called fracking drilling process on federal lands, as the Obama administration responds to public safety concerns over the shale exploration boom."

Source: Reuters, 11/01/2011
