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"Despite Risk, Embalmers Still Embrace Preservative"

"With the government declaring formaldehyde a carcinogen, these might be boom times for alternative embalming fluids — if it weren't for the so-called everlasting effect funeral directors stake their reputations on."

Source: NY Times, 07/21/2011

"To Nullify Lead, Add a Bunch of Fish Bones"

Fish bones are full of calcium phosphate. Now clean-up engineers are finding that fish bone meal is a good way to remedy lead contamination in soil, because they can bind lead in a form that the human body can not absorb.

Source: NY Times, 07/21/2011

"DuPont Is Sued Over New Herbicide"

"A Pennsylvania homeowner and an Indiana golf course company have filed a class-action lawsuit against DuPont charging that the chemical giant was either negligent or reckless in putting a new weedkiller on the market."

Source: Green (NYT), 07/20/2011

"Gov't Agency Vote Means Lower Lead in Toys"

"The amount of lead allowed in toys and other children's products sold in the U.S. will soon be reduced to one of the lowest limits in the world. The move was praised by consumer advocates but denounced by critics worried about job losses and shuttered businesses."

Source: AP, 07/14/2011
