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"Canada Concedes Science Against Asbestos Is Sound"

"The Canadian delegation at an international summit admitted Thursday it agrees with the work of a United Nations scientific panel that wants limits placed on the export of chrysotile asbestos, but Canada still won't back the move."

Source: Postmedia, 06/24/2011

"Scientists Warn That Chemicals May Be Altering Breast Development"

"Exposure to chemicals early in life may alter how breast tissue develops and raise the risks of breast cancer and lactation problems later in life, scientists concluded in a report published Wednesday. The scientists are urging federal officials to add new tests for industrial chemicals and pesticides to identify ones that might disrupt breast development."

Source: EHN, 06/22/2011

"Chemical Suicides, Popular in Japan, Are Increasing in the U.S."

"In Japan it is known as detergent suicide, a near-instant death achieved by mixing common household chemicals into a poisonous cloud of gas. By some counts, more than 2,000 people there have taken their own lives, inhaling the gas — in most cases hydrogen sulfide — in cars, closets or other enclosed spaces. The police now say they are seeing an increasing number of similar suicides in the United States."

Source: NY Times, 06/20/2011

"Lisa Jackson Calls Out Power Utilities"

EPA chief Lisa Jackson told the Senate Environment Committee Wednesday that American Electric Power's recent narrative about job loss resulting from EPA's mercury regulations was were "misleading at best and scare tactics at worst."

Source: Mother Nature Network, 06/16/2011

"150 Chemicals Are No Longer Incognito"

"This month the Environmental Protection Agency made public the names of 150 chemicals that were investigated in health and safety studies but whose identities were withheld as confidential business information."

Source: Green (NYT), 06/14/2011
