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"Petition Takes Aim at Chemical Drift"

Environmental and labor groups have filed a petition with EPA "asking for an immediate ban on most farm chemical applications in a 60-foot buffer strip for ground applications and a 300-foot buffer strip for aerial applications around homes, schools and day care facilities."

Source: Peoria Journal Star, 10/19/2009

Probe of Toxic Exposure by KBR Falls Flat

Despite Democrats' promises, a Congressional investigation into whether military contractor KBR knowingly exposed soldiers to toxic sodium dichromate in Iraq seems to be going nowhere.
Source: DC Bureau, 10/15/2009

"Cleansing the Air at the Expense of Waterways"

Allegheny Energy's Hatfield's Ferry coal-burning electric power plant finally reduced its air pollution by installing scrubbers. But the scrubbers dump many tons of wastewater and pollutants into the Monongahela River, which provides drinking water for 350,000 people.
Source: NYTimes, 10/13/2009

"Door Opens to Health Claims Tied to Agent Orange"

"Under rules to be proposed this week, the Department of Veterans Affairs plans to add Parkinson's disease, ischemic heart disease and hairy-cell leukemia to the growing list of illnesses presumed to have been caused by Agent Orange, the toxic defoliant used widely in Vietnam."
Source: NYTimes, 10/13/2009

"Pollution an Enduring Legacy at Old Missile Sites"

"As U.S. Air Force officials marked the 50th anniversary of the deployment of nuclear missiles to sites in the rural United States this past week, residents in some of these communities are still grappling with another legacy — groundwater pollution from chemicals used to clean and maintain the weapons."
Source: AP, 10/12/2009
