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"Experts Debate Ways to Reform 1976 Toxics Law"

"An overhaul of federal toxics regulations will require prioritizing tens of thousands of chemicals currently in the marketplace, representatives of industry and advocacy groups agree. At issue: the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act."
Source: NYTimes, 10/08/2009

EPA Plans To Restudy Atrazine Risks in Drinking Water

"The Environmental Protection Agency plans to conduct a new study about the potential health risks of atrazine, a widely used weedkiller that recent research suggests may be more dangerous to humans than previously thought."
Source: NYTimes, 10/07/2009

"DDT Deposit off Southern California Will Be Capped"

"Clean sand and silt will be used to cover a vast deposit of the pesticide DDT and toxic compound PCB on the ocean floor off Southern California, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said Monday."
Source: AP, 10/06/2009

"Plastic Chemical Linked to Female Aggression"

"A new study adds to the growing concern that prenatal exposure to the chemical bisphenol A could harm children's development. In the study of 249 pregnant women, the first to examine the effects of BPA on children's behavior, researchers found that girls whose mothers had the highest levels of BPA during pregnancy were more aggressive and hyperactive at age 2 than other girls."
Source: USA TODAY, 10/06/2009

"Obama Administration Calls for Chemical-Law Reform"

"With more and more toxic chemicals turning up in people's bodies and the environment, the Obama administration asked Congress Tuesday to draft a tougher law for how the government regulates tens of thousands of chemicals."
Source: AP, 09/30/2009
