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Scientists Uncover Startling Amounts of DDT Along Seafloor Off LA Coast

"First it was the eerie images of barrels leaking on the seafloor not far from Catalina Island. Then the shocking realization that the nation's largest manufacturer of DDT had once used the ocean as a huge dumping ground—and that as many as half a million barrels of its acid waste had been poured straight into the water."

Source: LA Times, 03/27/2023

"Canada Pledges Great Lakes Funding After Trudeau-Biden Talks"

"Canada has pledged a significant increase in spending to improve water quality in the Great Lakes following Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden, whose administration also has boosted funding for the shared waters."

Source: AP, 03/27/2023

"As Enforcement Lags, Toxic Coal Ash Keeps Polluting U.S. Water"

"Despite rules requiring remediation, only a few of the nearly 300 U.S. power plants storing toxic ash — the residue of burning coal — have started cleanups or have plans to do so. Many of these sites are polluting groundwater, putting the drinking water for millions at risk."

Source: YaleE360, 03/23/2023
