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"Nations Agree to Curb Emissions From Flying by 2050"

"After almost a decade of talks, the nations of the world committed Friday to drastically lower emissions of planet-warming gases from the world’s airplanes by 2050, a milestone in efforts to ease the climate effects of a fast-growing sector."

Source: NYTimes, 10/10/2022

"‘Forever Chemicals’ In Deer, Fish Challenge Hunters, Tourism"

"Wildlife agencies in the U.S. are finding elevated levels of a class of toxic chemicals in game animals such as deer — and that’s prompting health advisories in some places where hunting and fishing are ways of life and key pieces of the economy."

Source: AP, 10/06/2022

Judge Dismisses Cases Against Flint Water Ex-Officials Per Supreme Court

"A circuit court judge on Tuesday dismissed charges against former state and Flint officials for their roles in the water crisis that gripped the city beginning in 2014. The result had been a likely outcome after the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in June that state prosecutors incorrectly used a one-man grand jury to issue indictments last year."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 10/05/2022

"Veteran Service Officer: Be Wary Of Camp LeJeune Ads"

"We've all see the ads on television or social media in the last few weeks. If you or your family were stationed in Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987, you may have been exposed to drinking water that was heavily contaminated with toxins," one ad reads. "You may be able to qualify for significant compensation for your medical costs or lost loved ones.""

Experts Decry ‘Funny Math’ Of Plastic Industry ‘Advanced Recycling’ Claims

"Environmental experts say there’s a strong possibility that a federal bill will be introduced in the U.S. that seeks to strengthen an industry known as “advanced recycling,” or “chemical recycling.” While proponents of advanced recycling tout it as a solution to the ever-growing plastic pollution issue, critics say that it’s not recycling at all, but a highly polluting incineration process that converts plastic into fuel."

Source: Mongabay, 09/30/2022

Texas Is Now the Nation’s Biggest Emitter of Toxics Into Water

"Texas is a notably easy place to set up shop for industrial projects with lots of liquid waste and nowhere good to put it. The state’s waterways are open for business, an analysis of Environmental Protection Agency data shows, to send large volumes of discarded chemicals and industrial discharge downstream and out to sea."

Source: Inside Climate News, 09/28/2022
