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"U.S. Asbestos Imports Surge Despite Crackdown"

"Advocates are reiterating calls for a national ban on one of the world’s most notorious carcinogens, with data showing imports for asbestos are on the rise this year despite ongoing regulatory action."

Source: E&E News, 05/13/2022

"Salt Scourge: The Dual Threat of Warming and Rising Salinity"

"As rising seas increase saltwater intrusion and soaring temperatures cause greater evaporation, scientists say that the mounting levels of salt in waters and in soils pose a major climate-related danger and could become a leading cause of climate migration globally."

Source: YaleE360, 05/12/2022

"Exxon Doubles Down On ‘Advanced Recycling’ Claims That Yield Few Results"

"Accused of misleading the public for decades on the promise of plastic recycling, oil and chemical companies are pushing a new idea: “advanced recycling”. Environmental advocates, however, say it’s more of the same old greenwash and litigators hope holding companies accountable for past lies might prevent the spread of a new one."

Source: Guardian, 05/12/2022
