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"The Methane Hunters"

"Frackers in America’s largest oil field are letting massive amounts of natural gas spill into the atmosphere. Scientists and activists are trying to find the leaks and get them plugged before they cook the planet further."

Source: Bloomberg, 08/23/2021

What Will Happen To Millions Of Retired Electric Car Batteries?

"A tsunami of electric vehicles is expected in rich countries, as car companies and governments pledge to ramp up their numbers – there are predicted be 145m on the roads by 2030. But while electric vehicles can play an important role in reducing emissions, they also contain a potential environmental timebomb: their batteries."

Source: Guardian, 08/23/2021

"Minnesota Issues Plan To Treat Water Marred By 3M Chemicals"

"Minnesota pollution control and natural resources officials on Wednesday released a $700 million plan to improve the drinking water for 14 Twin Cities communities whose groundwater was contaminated due to decadeslong chemical disposal by 3M Co."

Source: AP, 08/19/2021
