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Countries Agree To Slash Shipping Emissions, But Not Enough

"Maritime nations agreed Friday to slash emissions from the shipping industry to net zero by about 2050 in a deal that several experts and nations say falls short of what’s needed to curb warming to agreed temperature limits."

Source: AP, 07/07/2023

"Global Shipping Industry Faces Head Winds Over Going Green"

"In a clubby mid-rise on the River Thames, its lobby filled with models of container ships and oil tankers, a rather obscure United Nations group is gathering this week to make a momentous decision that will influence whether the world can meet its promise to limit perilous global warming."

Source: Washington Post, 07/06/2023

"Commercial-Scale Wind Farm Off New Jersey Coast Approved"

"The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management on Wednesday approved the construction of up to 98 wind turbine generators off the coast of Atlantic City, N.J., as part of a Biden administration plan to install offshore wind sites along the country’s coasts."

Source: NYTimes, 07/06/2023

"Extreme Heat Is Already Straining the Mexican Power Grid"

"During the heat wave that hit Mexico and Texas in the last two weeks, some states in Mexico saw temperatures exceed 113 degrees, and more than 20 people died from heat stroke. The record-high temperatures have put enormous pressure on the country’s electric system, increasing the electricity demand."

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/30/2023
