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"Miners Weather The Slow Burn Of Coal's Demise"

"Four years ago, something started to change. First it was slow, and then this past month that change became dramatic. Coal now generates just 34 percent of our electricity, down from about 50 percent just four years ago."

Source: NPR, 07/16/2012

"Shell Seeks to Weaken Air Rules for Arctic Drilling"

"Shell has asked the Environmental Protection Agency to loosen air pollution requirements for its Discoverer drill rig, which is planning to begin exploratory drilling operations off the North Slope of Alaska early next month."

Source: Green/NYT, 07/16/2012

"Cooling a Warming Planet: A Global Air Conditioning Surge"

"The U.S. has long used more energy for air conditioning than all other nations combined. But as demand increases in the world’s warmer regions, global energy consumption for air conditioning is expected to continue to rise dramatically and could have a major impact on climate change."

Source: YaleE360, 07/12/2012

"Skeptic Group Takes Aim at Journalists"

"A conservative group that has used public records requests in an attempt to publicize emails written by climate scientists has turned its attention to reporters who cover the environment."

Source: Greenwire, 07/12/2012

"Navy Unveils New Shore Energy Policy"

"The Navy unveiled a major update of its energy policies ashore on Tuesday, calling for improved efficiency, greater conservation and increased use of renewable power to cut energy consumption in half at bases worldwide by the end of the decade."

Source: Reuters, 07/11/2012
