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"Obama Decisions on Wildlife Raising Environmentalists' Ire"

"During his first year in office, President Barack Obama won praise from environmental groups for a wide range of decisions, ... But now there's grumbling on his green flank. A growing number of environmentalists are clashing with the administration over its management of America's struggling wildlife populations and what they call its reluctance to use the nation's most powerful environmental law, the Endangered Species Act, to stand up to industry."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 02/22/2010

"Unions Come Out in Support of Vermont Yankee"

"Thirteen national labor organizations are urging Vermont’s Senate to take a timeout and to not vote on whether Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant should be allowed to continue to operate after its original license expiration date in 2012."

Source: Bennington Banner, 02/22/2010

"Top Firms Cause $2.2 Trillion of Environmental Damage"

"The cost of pollution and other damage to the natural environment caused by the world's biggest companies would wipe out more than one-third of their profits if they were held financially accountable, a major unpublished study for the United Nations has found."

Source: Guardian, 02/19/2010

"Southern Co.'s Lobbying Draws Complaints"

"President Barack Obama's award of billions of dollars in federal nuclear loan guarantees to Southern Co. has angered environmentalists who say the president is embracing the energy powerhouse that worked aggressively to defeat a key climate change bill championed by his administration."

Source: AP, 02/18/2010

"Environmental Advocates Are Cooling on Obama"

"The early optimism of environmental advocates that the policies of former President George W. Bush would be quickly swept away and replaced by a bright green future under Mr. Obama is for many environmentalists giving way to resignation, and in some cases, anger."

Source: NYTimes, 02/18/2010

Obama Announces Subsidy for First Nuclear Reactors in 3 Decades

"President Obama, speaking to an enthusiastic audience of union officials in Lanham, Md., on Tuesday, underscored his embrace of nuclear power as a clean energy source, announcing that the Energy Department had approved financial help for the construction of two nuclear reactors in Georgia."

Source: NYTimes, 02/17/2010
