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Balto Drivers to Test Electric Fleet

"Several U.S. companies hope to race ahead of foreign rivals by using federal loans and grants to commercialize electric cars and lighter, longer-lasting batteries. But a Canadian company might get there first."
Source: Greenwire, 06/26/2009

"Close Win Predicted For Cap-and-Trade Bill"

"The House could vote today on a measure to cap U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, with Democratic leaders predicting a tight victory for a behemoth bill that has grown more complex with each compromise."
Source: WashPost, 06/26/2009

"Deep in Bedrock, Clean Energy and Quake Fears"

Advanced geothermal technology -- deep drilling to fracture rock far underground -- threatens to cause earthquakes when deployed along faults. The Energy Department is funding private firms to try such projects in the U.S.
Source: NYTimes, 06/24/2009

"Ford, Nissan and Tesla Awarded $8 Billion"

"The Department of Energy has released the first third of its $25 billion advanced technology loan fund for automakers to 'create thousands of green jobs while helping reduce the nation's dangerous dependence on foreign oil.'
Source: NYTimes, 06/24/2009

NASA's Hansen Arrested at WV Mine Protest

"More than 30 people -- including actress Daryl Hannah and NASA climate scientist James Hansen -- were arrested Tuesday in the latest protest in a growing civil disobedience campaign against mountaintop removal in Southern West Virginia."
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Source: ,

"Obama Urges Passage of Climate Bill"

"President Obama on Tuesday gave a full endorsement to energy and climate change legislation now pending before the House, calling it 'extraordinarily important.'"
Source: NYTimes, 06/24/2009
