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"Atlantic Coast Pipeline Canceled as Delays and Costs Mount"

"Two of the nation’s largest utility companies announced on Sunday that they had canceled the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which would have carried natural gas across the Appalachian Trail, as delays and rising costs threatened the viability of the project."

Source: NYTimes, 07/06/2020

"Michigan, EPA Announce Plan To Clean Up ‘Green Ooze’ Site"

"DETROIT — Groundwater contamination at the former Electro-Plating services facility that was determined to be the source of a green ooze leak last year will be treated by injecting chemicals into the soil and treating the contaminants in place."

Source: AP, 07/02/2020

House Sends $1.5T Infrastructure Bill To Senate, Where Odds Are Poor

"The House Wednesday passed a climate-friendly infrastructure bill with $1.5 trillion for everything from roads to broadband that has little chance of being signed into law as written, but is destined to play a starring role in rhetoric and talking points for both parties in the run-up to the presidential election."

Source: Politico, 07/02/2020

"Grassley Backs Plan To Block EPA Nomination Over Biofuel Waivers"

"U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley said on Tuesday he supported a plan by one of his Senate colleagues to block the nomination of an Environmental Protection Agency official until the agency makes clear how it would handle requests from oil refiners for retroactive exemptions from their biofuel blending mandates."

Source: Reuters, 07/01/2020

House Dems Unveil Ambitious Climate Package, Aim For Net-Zero By 2050

"The nation’s automakers would manufacture only electric cars. Utilities would have to stop producing pollution linked to climate change. And the federal government would double its investment in mass transit. All this and more was proposed by House Democrats on Tuesday under a plan aimed at bringing the U.S. economy’s greenhouse gas emissions — including carbon dioxide and methane — to zero by 2050."

Source: Washington Post, 07/01/2020
