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DOE Conditionally Approves $2.26 Billion Loan For Huge Nevada Lithium Mine

"President Joe Biden’s administration has conditionally agreed to loan more than $2 billion to the company building a controversial lithium mine in Nevada with the largest known U.S. deposit of the metal critical to making batteries for electric vehicles key to his renewable energy agenda."

Source: AP, 03/18/2024

"Federal Court Halts SEC Climate Reporting Rule"

"Federal judges have temporarily halted a landmark new climate reporting rule, sidelining efforts by Wall Street’s top regulator to uncover the risks U.S. corporations and their investors face from rising global temperatures."

Source: E&E News, 03/18/2024

"BLM Releases Long-Awaited Sage Grouse Protections"

"The Biden administration released its proposal Thursday to protect the greater sage grouse across the West, incorporating tough restrictions on oil and gas drilling and other land uses near the bird’s habitat."

Source: E&E News, 03/15/2024
