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Trump Keeps Trying To Kill Agency That Probes Chemical Plant Disasters

"On a warm morning in April, workers at a Wisconsin oil refinery were conducting a routine shutdown for maintenance. Suddenly, a gasoline cracking unit exploded, and the workers watched in horror as a huge fireball ripped through the plant. They ran for their lives, barely escaping the blast."

Source: Reveal, 08/20/2018

As Trump Dismantles Air Rules, an Industry Lawyer Delivers for Ex-Clients

"As a corporate lawyer, William L. Wehrum worked for the better part of a decade to weaken air pollution rules by fighting the Environmental Protection Agency in court on behalf of chemical manufacturers, refineries, oil drillers and coal-burning power plants. Now, Mr. Wehrum is about to deliver one of the biggest victories yet for his industry clients — this time from inside the Trump administration as the government’s top air pollution official."

Source: NY Times, 08/20/2018

"Trump’s Plan for Coal Emissions: Let Coal States Regulate Them"

"The Trump administration next week plans to formally propose a vast overhaul of climate change regulations that would allow individual states to decide how, or even whether, to curb carbon dioxide emissions from coal plants, according to a summary of the plan and details provided by three people who have seen the full proposal."

Source: NY Times, 08/20/2018

Zinke Said He Would Never Sell Public Land. Now He May.

"The Trump administration is proposing to dispose of federal land in Utah that was protected within the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument until its boundary was redrawn by the Interior Department earlier this year — despite Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s assurance last year that he would not sell public lands."

Source: Washington Post, 08/17/2018
