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"Top Trump Officials Clash Over Plan to Let Cars Pollute More"

"Senior administration officials are clashing over President Trump’s plan to roll back a major environmental rule and let cars emit more tailpipe pollution, according to 11 people familiar with the confrontation, in a dispute over whether the proposal can withstand legal challenge."

Source: NY Times, 07/27/2018

"Here's How Trump's 'Greatest' Tariffs Can Hike Emissions"

"The oil and gas industry is looking for a mind reader. It thought that companies pursuing projects to help President Trump reach his "energy dominance" goal might get a free pass when it comes to his controversial steel tariffs. That might not be the case."

Source: ClimateWire, 07/26/2018

"California vs. Trump ‘Will Be A Giant Case’ Over Air Rules"

"WASHINGTON -- California and like-minded states are girding for a legal battle with the Trump administration on whether those states have gone too far in controlling greenhouse gases from automobiles, a prospective case that legal scholars say — barring a last-minute settlement — is sure to reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies are expected to announce, as soon as this week, a rollback of national fuel economy standards for vehicles. They could also revoke California’s ability to set its own, tougher, air pollution limits.

Source: McClatchy, 07/25/2018
