Search results

"State Demands Enbridge Fix Mackinac Pipe Coating Gaps"

"Gov. Rick Snyder on Wednesday ordered an accelerated and “aggressive” review of Enbridge Energy operations and maintenance procedures after the company revealed that at least two areas on twin pipelines running under the Straits of Mackinac are missing enamel coating."

Source: Detroit News, 08/31/2017

"Federal Agency OKs Gas Pipeline Project Fought By Residents"

"The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved construction of a high-pressure pipeline that will carry natural gas from the shale fields of Appalachia, across northern Ohio and into Michigan and Canada, a decision likely to be a death blow for project opponents concerned about safety and property rights."

Source: AP, 08/30/2017

"How Hurricane Harvey Will Impact Prices At The Gas Pump"

"Hurricane Harvey has barreled into the heart of the U.S. oil and gas industry, prompting the sudden evacuation of workers. Spot prices for gasoline are expected to jump Monday, but the full extent of damage will not be clear for days, companies and experts said."

Source: Washington Post, 08/28/2017
