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"Interior Secretary Proposes Shrinking Four National Monuments"

"BEARS EARS NATIONAL MONUMENT, Utah — Parts of this sprawling region of red-rock canyons and at least three other national monuments would lose their strict protection and could be reopened for new mining or drilling under proposals submitted to President Trump by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke on Thursday, according to congressional aides and others who have been briefed on the report."

Source: NY Times, 08/25/2017

"Exxon Misled the Public on Climate Change, Study Says"

"As Exxon Mobil responded to news reports in 2015 that said that the company had spread doubt about the risks of climate change despite its own extensive research in the field, it urged the public to “read the documents” for themselves. Now two Harvard researchers have done just that, reviewing nearly 200 documents representing Exxon’s research and its public statements and concluding that the company “misled the public” about climate change even as its own scientists were recognizing greenhouse gas emissions as a risk to the planet."

Source: NY Times, 08/24/2017

"Federal Electricity Study Hints at Future Support for Coal"

"The Trump administration on Wednesday released a major report urging actions to protect the “reliability and resilience” of the nation’s electric grid, a move that could lay the groundwork for future support of America’s ailing coal and nuclear industries."

Source: NY Times, 08/24/2017

Energy Transfer Partners Sues Greenpeace, Claims Eco-Terrorism

"Energy Transfer Partners LP has sued Greenpeace International, Earth First! and other groups, accusing them of inciting terrorist acts and vandalism to generate publicity and raise money for their causes while hampering the Dakota Access pipeline majority owner’s ability to raise money for projects."

Source: Bloomberg, 08/23/2017

"Solar Eclipse: Grid Operators Take A Stunning Event In Stride"

"As the moon's shadow raced across the U.S. yesterday, 1,900 utility-scale solar power plants and many thousands of rooftop solar cells dozed off or shut down, one after the other, their electric currents disappearing from power networks from coast to coast. ... From the standpoint of the overall North American grid, nothing much had really happened."

Source: EnergyWire, 08/23/2017

"Trump Rebuffs Coal Industry; CEO Claims Promise Broken"

"The Trump administration has rejected a coal industry push to win a rarely used emergency order protecting coal-fired power plants, a decision one executive said breaks a personal promise from President Donald Trump to take the extraordinary step to benefit the industry."

Source: AP, 08/22/2017
