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Rick Perry: "Dancing with Denial"

"Rick Perry has danced his way back into the climate denial camp. At his Senate confirmation hearing earlier this year, the secretary of energy admitted that the climate is changing and that 'some of it is caused by man-made activity.'"

Source: Texas Observer, 07/24/2017

Interior Nominee, Set For Confirmation Vote Today, Accused Of Conflict

"David Bernhardt, President Trump’s nominee for deputy interior secretary, has been described as 'an excellent choice' by supporters and 'a walking conflict of interest' by opponents. The full Senate is set to vote on his nomination Monday.

Bernhardt wouldn’t be new to the Interior Department. He served under President George W. Bush as solicitor, the third-ranking position at the department, and as a legal officer. But more recently, he worked for a lobbying firm representing energy interests and a water district.

Source: Washington Post, 07/24/2017

Senate Panel Rejects Trump Funding Cuts On Energy Department Programs

"The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a $38.4 billion spending bill for the Department of Energy and water programs. The 30-1 vote rejected numerous proposals by President Trump that would have slashed programs that have bipartisan support. The $38.4 billion total passed by the committee is $4 billion more than Trump’s budget proposal."

Source: The Hill, 07/21/2017

"NC Gov. Cooper: No Offshore Oil Drilling In The Atlantic Ocean"

"North Carolina’s Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper said Thursday that his administration will oppose opening up Atlantic Ocean waters to offshore oil-and-gas drilling. Cooper’s decision reverses the state’s policy under former Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, who urged federal officials to promote energy exploration in ocean waters to help the nation achieve energy independence."

Source: Raleigh News & Observer, 07/21/2017

"Security: Democrats Request Review Of Pipeline Cyberdefenses"

"The top Democrats on the Senate and House energy panels are seeking an assessment of the cyber and physical security protections for natural gas, oil and other hazardous pipeline infrastructure, warning of increased cyberthreats from foreign state-backed and criminal hacking organizations."

Source: EnergyWire, 07/20/2017
