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Trump Admin. Sued for Climate Change Gag Orders, Bucking FOIA Requests

"On May 23, 2017, The Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration, demanding it reveal records of its censorship of government employees in relation to climate change topics. With this suit, The Center is following up on still-unanswered Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests it filed in March, requesting facts pertaining to the Administration’s climate change censorship."

Source: EnviroNews, 05/24/2017

"Trump Budget Proposes Deep Cuts in Energy Innovation Programs"

"President Trump’s budget proposal for 2018 envisions a flurry of changes to domestic energy policy, reaping billions of dollars in one-time revenue from oil and gas resources while cutting research into future energy technologies that could pay long-term dividends."

Source: NY Times, 05/24/2017

"2 More Leaks Found Along Dakota Access Pipeline"

"The Dakota Access pipeline system leaked more than 100 gallons (380 liters) of oil in two separate incidents in North Dakota in March as crews prepared the pipeline for operation."

Source: AP, 05/23/2017

"Trump Seeks To Sell Off Half Of The Strategic Petroleum Reserve"

"As part of its 2018 budget, the Trump administration is proposing to reduce by half the size of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a cushion against global price shocks and supply disruptions. The administration said it expects the drawdown to reduce the federal deficit by $16.6 billion, part of a package of deficit reduction measures over the next 10 years."

Source: Washington Post, 05/23/2017
