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As US Bets On Hydrogen, Local Communities Worry Over Secrecy, Public Health

"The Biden administration has set aside billions of dollars for new hydrogen energy. But does the industry need better safeguards?" "But researchers and community advocates warn that unless the federal government’s so-called hydrogen earthshot has adequate safeguards, it could worsen air pollution in vulnerable communities and aggravate a warming climate. They’re also concerned that specifics of the emerging efforts remain stubbornly secret from people who live near shovel-ready projects."

Source: Public Health Watch, 07/31/2024

Oil Companies Know Carbon Capture Is Not a Climate Solution, Documents Show

"This spring, Democrats wrapped up a nearly three-year investigation into the fossil fuel industry’s role in climate disinformation, and asked the Department of Justice to pick up where they left off. In House and Senate Democrats’ final report and hearing, investigators concluded that major oil companies had not only misled the public on climate change for decades, but also were continuing to misinform them about the industry’s preferred climate “solutions”— particularly biofuels and carbon capture."

Source: Drilled, 07/30/2024
