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"Rail Cars Used To Ship Oil Called 'Unacceptable'"

"WASHINGTON — Rail tank cars being used to ship crude oil from North Dakota's Bakken region are an 'unacceptable public risk,' and even cars voluntarily upgraded by the industry may not be sufficient, a member of the National Transportation Safety Board said Wednesday."

Source: AP, 02/27/2014

"Senators: Keystone Pipeline Needs Review for Health Impacts"

"WASHINGTON — Saying the health impact of the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline hasn’t been properly explored, two Democratic senators on Wednesday called on the Obama administration and Secretary of State John Kerry to conduct a comprehensive study on the human health impacts of tar sands and the proposed pipeline."

Source: McClatchy, 02/27/2014

No Conflict of Interest Found in Favorable Review of Keystone Pipeline

"WASHINGTON — A State Department contractor who prepared an environmental analysis of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline did not violate conflict of interest rules, even though the contractor had previously done work for TransCanada, the company seeking to build pipeline, a State Department inspector general’s investigation concluded on Wednesday."

Source: NY Times, 02/27/2014

New Power Lines Make Texas the World's 5th-Largest Wind Power Producer

"The next big Texas energy boom does not involve tight gas formations in the Barnett Shale, or deepwater oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico. While fossil resources continue to draw high interest from energy developers and investors in the Lone Star State, Texas' hottest energy prospect is wind power in West Texas and the Panhandle."

Source: ClimateWire, 02/26/2014

Marcellus Energy Could Pave Over An Area Bigger Than Delaware

"Development of natural gas and wind resources in the Marcellus shale region could cover up nearly 1.3 million acres of land, an area bigger than the state of Delaware, with cement, asphalt and other impervious surfaces, according to a paper published this month in the scientific journal PLOS One."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/26/2014
