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"Climate Change Study Finds U.S. Is Already Widely Affected"

"The effects of human-induced climate change are being felt in every corner of the United States, scientists reported Tuesday, with water growing scarcer in dry regions, torrential rains increasing in wet regions, heat waves becoming more common and more severe, wildfires growing worse, and forests dying under assault from heat-loving insects." New York Times, May 6, 2014. See a plethora of additional coverage here.

Source: NY Times, 05/07/2014

"With Hope And Horror, Climate Fiction Writers Depict the Future"

To those in the know, Cli Fi was a thing several years ago. But now climate fiction has become a really big thing. After seeing the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" in 2004, one expert said the only thing he found unbelievable was that the Dick Cheney character admitted he had been wrong.

Source: ClimateWire, 05/05/2014

"In Green Car Race, Toyota Adds Muscle With Fuel-Cell Launch"

"In 1997, Toyota caught its competitors by surprise with the revolutionary Prius, the first commercially successful gasoline-electric hybrid car. Now, the Japanese firm is trying to do the same with a technology that seems straight out of science fiction."

Source: Reuters, 04/17/2014

"Panel’s Warning on Climate Risk: Worst Is Yet to Come"

"YOKOHAMA, Japan — Climate change is already having sweeping effects on every continent and throughout the world’s oceans, scientists reported on Monday, and they warned that the problem was likely to grow substantially worse unless greenhouse emissions are brought under control."

Source: NY Times, 03/31/2014

"GAO: Climate Change Threatens Energy Infrastructure"

"Oil refineries and drilling platforms in the U.S. are vulnerable to sea level rise and greater storm surge. Fuel pipelines, barges, railways and storage tanks are vulnerable to melting permafrost and severe weather. Warming seas and water shortages put nuclear and other electric power plants at risk. Power lines can be blown away by hurricanes and other extreme weather."

Source: Climate Central, 03/12/2014

"The Scary New Evidence on BPA-Free Plastics"

Environmentalists may have won a victory convincing manufacturers to remove the estrogen-mimicking chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from products like babies' sippy cups -- but lab results are showing that the chemicals replacing them are as bad or worse.

Source: Mother Jones, 03/04/2014
