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"Unusually Early Heat Wave In Pacific Northwest Tests Records"

"An early heat wave took hold Saturday in parts of the Pacific Northwest, with temperatures nearing or breaking records in some areas and heat advisories in place through Monday. The historically temperate region has grappled with scorching summer temperatures and unprecedented wildfires fueled by climate change in recent years."

Source: AP, 05/15/2023

"The Places At Greatest Risk From Extreme Heat"

"A record-shattering heat wave that blistered the Pacific Northwest in 2021 carried an important lesson, scientists say. Places that historically haven’t had to deal with extreme heat may not be prepared when it strikes."

Source: E&E News, 05/01/2023

"Will California’s Big Melt Be A Slow-Moving Disaster?"

"Good news: California has a near-record snowpack in the Sierra, which could ease the impact of our deep drought. Bad news: There’s a heat wave coming this week. Really bad news: If the snow melts too fast, it could help cause devastating floods in the Central Valley."

Source: CalMatters, 04/27/2023

"UN’s Weather Agency: 2022 Was Nasty, Deadly, Costly And Hot"


"Looking back at 2022's weather with months of analysis, the World Meteorological Organization said last year really was as bad as it seemed when people were muddling through it. And about as bad as it gets — until more warming kicks in."

Source: AP, 04/24/2023
