"Conventional Celery: Stalks of Pesticides"
Celery tops the Environmental Working Group's 'Dirty Dozen' list of conventional produce that is most contaminated with pesticide residues
Celery tops the Environmental Working Group's 'Dirty Dozen' list of conventional produce that is most contaminated with pesticide residues
"Metro communities from White Bear Lake and Maplewood to South St. Paul are discovering that their storm-water ponds are chemical soups of pesticides, fertilizers, pet wastes, oil, grease and other contaminants."
"Federal officials have moved quickly to clamp down on the use of potent rodent-killing pesticides after one was linked to the deaths of two Utah girls earlier this year. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said aluminum and magnesium fumigants can no longer be used near homes."
The EPA is considering requiring pesticide-makers to disclose often-toxic "inert" ingredients, changing a policy of secrecy that has been in effect for nearly 2/3 of a century.
"Workers who apply certain pesticides to farm fields are twice as likely to contract melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer, according to a new scientific study."
"Human beings are flushing millions of tonnes of solid waste into rivers and oceans every day, poisoning marine life and spreading diseases that kill millions of children annually, the U.N. said on Monday."
"A two-year study now provides evidence indicting one likely group of suspects [as a cause of beehive die-offs]: pesticides. It found 'unprecedented levels' of mite-killing chemicals and crop pesticides in hives across the United States and parts of Canada."
Bedbug-sniffing dogs can locate a single live bug or egg with 96 percent accuracy. The bugs were mostly eradicated in the U.S. by now-banned pesticides like DDT, and are now making a comeback.
A Univ. of Florida researcher has found that endocrine-disrupting agricultural pesticides have harmed the health of Yaqui people in Mexico. Among the effects: girls developing breasts that lack mammary tissue needed to produce milk.
"The Environmental Protection Agency is considering a petition from farm worker and public health advocates to ban pesticide spraying near schools, hospitals and child care centers."