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"Pyrethroids Raise New Concerns"

"Chemicals derived from flowers may sound harmless, but new research raises concerns about compounds synthesized from chrysanthemums that are used in virtually every household pesticide. For at least a decade, pyrethroids have been the insecticide of choice for consumers, replacing organophosphate pesticides, which are far more toxic to people and wildlife. But evidence is mounting that the switch to pyrethroids has brought its own set of new ecological and human health concerns."

Source: EHN, 02/26/2010

"EPA Reviews Hints of Weed Killer's Fetal Risks"

EPA is reopening its review of the possible health effects of the widespread herbicide atrazine. A new focus is on several studies linking the hormone-mimicking weedkiller to birth defects and other risks in newborns.

Source: Science News, 02/05/2010

"EPA Faces Lawsuits Over Pesticide Harms, Soot"

"The nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity has put the U.S. EPA on notice that it intends to sue the agency for failing to adequately evaluate and regulate nearly 400 pesticides harmful to hundreds of endangered species across the country as well as human beings."

Source: ENS, 02/03/2010

"Behind Mass Die-Offs, Pesticides Lurk as Culprit"

"In the past dozen years, three new diseases have decimated populations of amphibians, honeybees, and — most recently — bats. Increasingly, scientists suspect that low-level exposure to pesticides could be contributing to this rash of epidemics."

Source: YaleE360, 01/11/2010
