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"EPA Announces Plan To Clean Up Colorado Mines"

"The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Thursday laid out the next steps it will take to clean up wastewater flowing from dozens of old mines in southwestern Colorado, including dredging contaminated sediment from streambeds and digging ditches to divert water away from tainted rocks and soil."

Source: AP, 06/20/2018

"Ex-Chemical Industry Lawyer To Lead Superfund Task Force"

"A lawyer tapped to lead a task force at the Environmental Protection Agency overseeing cleanups at the nation’s most polluted places worked until recently for a top chemical and plastics manufacturer with a troubled legacy of creating some of those toxic sites."

Source: AP, 06/04/2018

Pruitt Fast-Tracked California Cleanup After Hugh Hewitt Brokered Meeting

"EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt placed a polluted California area on his personal priority list of Superfund sites targeted for 'immediate and intense' action after conservative radio and television host Hugh Hewitt brokered a meeting between him and lawyers for the water district that was seeking federal help to clean up the polluted Orange County site."

Source: Politico, 05/08/2018

"Texas Officials Ignore Dioxin Spread In Houston Waterways"

"Evelyn and Jerome Matula were still polka-dancing newlyweds in 1950 when they spotted a half-finished cottage in the woods along the San Jacinto River east of Houston. It seemed idyllic, with panoramic views and a sandy path to the river, where their three children and later their grandchildren fished. Now, the retired refinery worker and former educator fear their kin were poisoned by carcinogenic dioxin in the fish and well water."

Source: Houston Chronicle/AP, 05/04/2018

"Scott Pruitt’s Top Communications Official Is Leaving the EPA"

"Another high-level aide to Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt is leaving the agency this week, as federal investigators continue to scrutinize the administrator’s spending and management decisions. Liz Bowman, the agency’s top spokesman, is stepping down to become communications director for Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)."

Source: Washington Post, 05/04/2018

Lobbyist Behind Pruitt Condo Also Did Favors for Disgraced Rep. DeLay

"J. Steven Hart, the lobbyist whose wife, Vicki, rented EPA administrator Scott Pruitt a Capitol Hill condo at a below-market price, has a history of coziness with high-powered government officials. Hart, the chair of lobbying firm Williams & Jensen, was also close with former Republican Congressman Tom DeLay in the late 1990s."

Source: The Intercept, 04/11/2018
