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"Green Shoots Rise From Brownfields"

"Uncle Sam looks to eliminate the biggest hurdle to expanding renewable energy – the need for suitable sites to place commercial-scale wind and solar farms – by reusing hundreds of old mines, landfills and industrial sites."
Source: Daily Climate, 10/08/2009

"DDT Deposit off Southern California Will Be Capped"

"Clean sand and silt will be used to cover a vast deposit of the pesticide DDT and toxic compound PCB on the ocean floor off Southern California, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said Monday."
Source: AP, 10/06/2009

"Northrop To Clean Up Calif. Water At Superfund Site"

"Northrop Grumman Corp on Thursday reached a settlement with U.S. environmental regulators that requires the aerospace giant to spend about $21 million to clean up groundwater pollution dating from World War II manufacturing through the 1980s."
Source: Reuters, 08/28/2009

"Obama's EPA Plans Fewer Toxic Cleanups"

The Obama EPA, like the Bush EPA, is cleaning up fewer Superfund hazardous waste sites -- saying the remaining sites are getting harder to clean up. Unline Bush, however, Obama is seeking to reinstate the lapsed tax on petrochemical companies that originally funded the cleanup of abandoned sites.
Source: AP, 08/10/2009

"Monsanto Rounds Up Support, Dissent For Idaho Mine"

"As it races to replenish phosphate supplies for its weed-killing cash machine Roundup, Monsanto Co. insists its history of polluting southeastern Idaho’s high country shouldn’t prevent it from digging fresh open pits here."
Source: AP, 08/10/2009

Navajos Mark Uranium Spill 30 Years Later

"Thirty years ago today, an earthen tailings dam near the United Nuclear Corp. Church Rock Uranium mine collapsed, spilling ninety million gallons of liquid radioactive waste and eleven hundred tons of solid mill wastes into the Rio Puerco. The spill contaminated water, land and air at least 50 miles downstream on Navajo Nation land in New Mexico and Arizona."
Source: New Mexico Independent, 07/17/2009

EPA To Push Hard-Rock Mining Cleanup Bonds

"The Environmental Protection Agency, complying with a court order, will develop a rule to guarantee companies that mine everything from copper to uranium will pay for needed environmental cleanup, not taxpayers."
Source: AP, 07/14/2009
