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"House Poor, Pollution Rich"

"Thousands of public housing residents live near the most polluted places in the nation — and the government has done little to protect them."

Source: APM/Intercept, 01/13/2021

"Chemicals: EPA Finds Possible Carcinogen Poses No Harm To Public"

"EPA marked the last day of 2020 with a controversial announcement, finding few unreasonable risks associated with a common chemical solvent classified as a likely carcinogen. In its final risk evaluation for 1,4-dioxane, EPA determined no unreasonable risks exist for the environment, consumers and bystanders, or the general population."

Source: E&E News, 01/05/2021

"New Jersey Law Seeks To Stem Pollution In Minority Areas"

"NEWARK, N.J. — Gov. Phil Murphy signed into law Friday a measure giving state regulators power to deny development permits to businesses whose operations pollute predominantly Black and other minority communities."

Source: AP, 09/21/2020
