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"Trump Got Nearly $1 Million in Energy-Efficiency Subsidies in 2012"

"The Trump White House has wasted no time in targeting pro-climate policies, freezing energy-efficiency standards finalized during the last days of the Obama administration. Its “America First Energy Plan” makes no mention of renewable energy or energy efficiency, and it is focused on fossil fuels. But in 2012, Donald J. Trump, the businessman, played a different tune."

Source: NY Times, 03/06/2017

"Trump to Undo Vehicle Rules That Curb Global Warming"

"The Trump administration is expected to begin rolling back stringent federal regulations on vehicle pollution that contributes to global warming, according to people familiar with the matter, essentially marking a U-turn to efforts to force the American auto industry to produce more electric cars."

Source: NY Times, 03/06/2017

"Climate, Water Safety Programs Slashed In EPA Budget Proposal"

"The Trump administration would slash programs aimed at slowing climate change and improving water safety and air quality, while eliminating thousands of jobs, according to a draft of the Environmental Protection Agency budget proposal obtained by The Associated Press."

Source: AP, 03/06/2017

"What Cities Looked Like Before the EPA"

"The Environmental Protection Agency has a murky future in the Trump administration. Hours before the President promised in his address to Congress 'to promote clean air and clear water,' he signed an executive order to roll back an Obama-era EPA clean water rule. Whatever happens to the EPA, this might be a good time to reflect on its legacy, especially in urban spaces. Though environmentalism conjures 'America the Beautiful' images of purple mountains and unspoiled wilderness, much of the EPA’s heaviest lifting in rescuing this nation from its own filth happened in cities."

Source: CityLab, 03/03/2017

Pruitt Told Senate He Didn't Use Personal Email for Gov Business: He Did

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions isn’t the only Trump Cabinet official being pressed to explain omissions in congressional testimony at his confirmation hearing. An environmental group and several Democratic senators are demanding a review of the personal email account of Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, after he said during confirmation hearings that he never used that account for official business as Oklahoma state attorney general."

Source: Washington Post, 03/03/2017

"Senate Confirms Perry To Lead Energy Department"

"The Senate [Thursday] afternoon confirmed Rick Perry to be the next Energy secretary, putting him in charge of an agency popular with members of both parties, but also one the former Texas governor famously pledged to abolish as a presidential candidate."

Source: E&E News PM, 03/03/2017
