"Trump Eyes Climate Skeptic For Key White House Environmental Post"
"President Donald Trump may tap a vocal critic of climate change science to serve as the highest-ranking environmental official in the White House."
"President Donald Trump may tap a vocal critic of climate change science to serve as the highest-ranking environmental official in the White House."
"The 'wellbeing of America and the American worker is my North Star,' President Donald Trump trumpeted at a recent White House event. But the Trump administration’s policies are already adversely affecting workers’ health by undermining occupational illness prevention — including for cancers, musculoskeletal disorders and respiratory diseases that afflict hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers."
"Canada is warning the Trump administration that a "Buy American" plan for U.S. oil and gas pipelines could have an unexpected casualty: coal country."
"The Trump administration yesterday asked a federal court to toss a lawsuit challenging the president's requirement that agencies scrap two regulations for every new one created."
"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit granted the Environmental Protection Agency’s request Tuesday to delay oral argument in a case over its 2015 smog standard, allowing the agency time to reconsider the Obama-era rule."
"What is at stake as Congress considers the E.P.A. budget? Far more than climate change."
"Among the sweeping cuts in the Trump administration’s 53-page budget blueprint released last month, one paragraph stood out to climate researchers. It proposed eliminating four of NASA’s climate science missions, including instruments to study clouds, small airborne particles, the flow of carbon dioxide and other elements of the atmosphere and oceans."
"California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed a Freedom of Information Act request Friday with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to compel it to turn over documents on its administrator, Scott Pruitt, and potential conflicts of interest with his past ties to the fossil fuel industry."
"The U.S. administration of Donald Trump on Monday scuppered efforts by the Group of Seven industrialized countries to reach a common stance on energy when it asked for more time to work out its policies on climate change."
"When Mike Cox quit, he did so with gusto. After 25 years, he retired last week from the Environmental Protection Agency with a tough message for the boss, Administrator Scott Pruitt."