Registration continues, Network Lunch, Afternoon Concurrent Sessions, Special Newsmakers Forum, News Conference Podium, SEJ Membership Meeting, Beat Dinners, and VIP Film Festival
Conference registration continues until 5 p.m.
Location: InterContinental, outside the Grand Ballroom
12:15 – 1:45 p.m. Network Lunch: Discussion Tables (see flyer at Registration Table) OR Choice of Two Breakout Sessions:
Lunch Breakout Session #1: Everglades Around the Globe
Moderator: Joseph Treaster, John S. and James L. Knight Chair in Cross-Cultural Communication, School of Communication and Knight Center for International Media, University of Miami
Location: Chopin Ballroom
Lunch Breakout Session #2: Dolphins: The Success Story Is Threatened
Moderator: Michele Gillen, Chief Investigative Reporter, WFOR-CBS Miami
Location: Theater
2:00 – 3:15 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 2
THE CRAFT: A Storytelling Playshop: Can Environmental Coverage Be Funny?
Room: Theater
LATIN AMERICA: Do Tropical Forests Have a Future?
Room: Sandringham
THE OCEAN: The Day after Tomorrow: Changing Atlantic Ocean Currents and Future Climate
Room: Windsor
THE NATION: Busting the Bad Guys: Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Laws
Room: Balmoral
Room: Escorial
ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE: Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples on the Frontlines
Room: Alhambra
POLLUTION AND SOLUTIONS: Diseases and Chemicals: Are Environmental Exposures Fueling Our Worst Epidemics?
Room: Michelangelo
THE GLOBE: China and U.S. Energy Policies: Green or Mean on the Environment?
Room: Raphael
THE EXTRAS: Trouble in the Fishbowl: Making the Aquarium Trade More Sustainable
Room: Chopin Ballroom
3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Special Newsmakers Forum: Sylvia Earle
Location: Grand Ballroom
4:00 - 4:30 p.m. Beverage Break and News Conference Podium: “A Better Way to Fish”
Convener: Oceansmart, Inc.
Location: Mezzanine East near registratio
4:30 - 5:30 p.m. SEJ Membership Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom
7:00 - 11:00 p.m. Beat Dinners on South Beach (sign up at Registration Table), and a VIP Film Fest (reservations required)
Buses will begin departing the InterContinental at 5:30 p.m. and run to South Beach until 7:00 p.m.
At 11:00 p.m., buses will be staged at the Symphony Hall for a ride back to the InterContinental.
If you want to return earlier or get pulled in to some South Beach nightlife, a cab back to the hotel will run you $20 - $25: Central Cab (South Beach), (305) 532-5555. See the Beat Dinner flyer at the Registration Desk for more details.