Conference registration continues, Breakfast/Workshop/Breakfast Breakout Sessions, morning Concurrent Sessions (#3 and #4)
7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Conference registration continues
Location: InterContinental, outside the Grand Ballroom
7:00 – 8:45 a.m. Breakfast served
Location: Grand Ballroom
7:30 – 10:15 a.m. NAHJ Workshop: Dig, Investigate, Get Results!
Room: Chopin Ballroom
7:30 – 8:45 a.m. Breakfast Breakout Sessions:
Breakfast Breakout Session #1: Someone to Watch Over Us: Mapping Earth from Space
Moderator: Angela Posada-Swafford, U.S. Senior Science Editor, MUY INTERESANTE Magazine
Room: Theater
Breakfast Breakout Session #2: Shark Attack: "Humankind at Its Worst"
Moderator: Michael Williams, Investigative Reporter/Anchor, WPTV West Palm Beach
Room: Sandringham
9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Concurrent Sessions 3
THE CRAFT: Entrepreneur’s Pitch Slam: Bring Your Ideas to Investors
Room: Theater
LATIN AMERICA: Cuba Begins Oil Drilling 40 Miles Off U.S. Shores
Room: Sandringham
THE OCEAN: An Alarming Update: Coral Reefs and Ocean Acidification
Room: Windsor
THE NATION: Clean Water Act: Who’s in Charge?
Room: Balmoral
The World's Most Aggressive Restoration Project: The Everglades
Room: Escorial
ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE: Critters and Climate Change: Winners and Losers
Room: Alhambra
POLLUTION AND SOLUTIONS: Kids These Days… Looking Out for Their Own Future
Room: Michelangelo
THE EXTRAS: Media Critics Dissect Science and Environmental Journalism
Room: Raphael
10:15 - 10:45 a.m. Beverage Break and News Conference Podium
Convener: U.S. Forest Service
Location: Mezzanine East near registration
10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 4
THE CRAFT: DocumentCloud, Google Ocean and Google Earth: Data Tools You Need Now (And They're Free!)
Room: Theater
LATIN AMERICA: Caribbean Environment: From Cuba’s "Paradise" to Haiti’s Nightmare
Room: Sandringham
THE OCEAN: Deep-sea Exploration: Drugs, Damages, and Other Discoveries
Room: Windsor
THE NATION: Does the Environment Impact Ethnic Groups Disproportionately? Does Anyone Care?
Room: Balmoral
WILDLIFE AND NATURAL RESOURCES: Invasive Species: Pets or Pests — Can We Keep Our Critters Contained?
Room: Escorial
ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE: Energy Subsidies: Where’s the Money Going?
Room: Alhambra
THE GLOBE: Water, Water Everywhere…
Room: Raphael
THE EXTRAS: Letting the Sunshine In: Florida's Solar Innovations
Room: Chopin Ballroom