
"In A Boiling World, Chief Heat Officers Battle 'Silent Killer'"

"As the era of "global boiling" spawns ever deadlier heatwaves, a handful of heat tsars are working with officials in cities from Miami to Melbourne in a race against time to cool urban heat traps and prevent tens of thousands of deaths."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 05/22/2024

"Left And Right Unite In Panning House Republicans’ Farm Bill Proposal"

"The proposed version of the $1.5 trillion omnibus unveiled last week by House Agriculture Committee Chair Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.) includes several priorities of big agribusiness — proposals that frustrated both right-aligned groups such as the Heritage Foundation and left-leaning ones including the Environmental Working Group amid progressives’ and populists’ broader dislike of what they see as crony capitalism at the U.S. farmstand."

Source: The Hill, 05/22/2024

"How Cockroaches Spread Around The Globe To Become The Pest We Know Today"

"A new study uses genetics to chart cockroaches’ spread across the globe, from humble beginnings in southeast Asia to Europe and beyond. The findings span thousands of years of cockroach history and suggest the pests may have scuttled across the globe by hitching a ride with another species: people."

Source: AP, 05/21/2024

"Canada Oil Sands Air Pollution 20-64 Times Worse Than Industry Says: Study"

"The amount of air pollution coming from Canada’s oil sands extraction is between 20 to 64 times higher than industry-reported figures, according to a groundbreaking study. Researchers found that the total amount of air pollution released from the oil sands is equal to all other human-caused air pollution sources in Canada combined."

Source: Mongabay, 05/21/2024

More Than A Third Of Amazon Rainforest Struggling To Recover From Drought

"More than a third of the Amazon rainforest is struggling to recover from drought, according to a new study that warns of a “critical slowing down” of this globally important ecosystem."

Source: Guardian, 05/21/2024


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