
EPA Could Allow 10x as Much of Toxic Pesticide on Your Tomatoes and Celery

"Against the guidance of scientific advisory panels, the EPA is relying on industry-backed tests to relax regulations on acephate, which has been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders. “It’s exactly what we recommended against,” one panelist said."

Source: ProPublica, 04/25/2024

"New Government Heat Risk Tool Sets Magenta As Most Dangerous Level"

"The National Weather Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday — Earth Day — presented a new online heat risk system that combines meteorological and medical risk factors with a seven-day forecast that’s simplified and color-coded for a warming world of worsening heat waves."

Source: AP, 04/24/2024

Prehistoric Lake Sturgeon Is Not Endangered, US Says Despite Petition

"Lake sturgeon don’t need Endangered Species Act protections, federal wildlife officials announced Monday, saying that stocking programs have helped the prehistoric fish return to areas where they had vanished."

Source: AP, 04/24/2024

Jury: BNSF Contributed To 2 Deaths In Montana Town Sickened By Asbestos

"A federal jury on Monday said BNSF Railway contributed to the deaths of two people who were exposed to asbestos decades ago when tainted mining material was shipped through a Montana town where thousands have been sickened."

Source: AP, 04/24/2024

"California, 21 Other States Back EPA Vehicle Emissions Rules"

"A group of 22 states led by California and five cities are backing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's new tailpipe emissions rules after 25 Republican-led states sued the agency last week claiming the new regulations were unworkable and unlawful."

Source: Reuters, 04/24/2024

"Unstable Nuclear-Waste Dams Threaten Fertile Central Asia Heartland"

"Dams holding vast amounts of uranium mine tailings above the fertile Fergana valley in Central Asia are unstable, threatening a possible Chernobyl-scale nuclear disaster if they collapse that would make the region uninhabitable, studies have revealed."

Source: Reuters, 04/24/2024


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